We are doing everything we can to minimise the risk posed by Covid-19 to our clients. If you have any questions about the measures we have put in place to keep you protected please contact us or visit our blog for more information.

About Us
Complete Custom Footwear is a Queensland owned Pedorthic practice operated by a fully qualified registered Pedorthist (Cped.CM.Au). We provide Medical Grade Footwear, Orthotics and Bespoke Custom-Made footwear to reduce pain, assist mobility and maintain independence. CCF service clients from the Sunshine Coast, Brisbane, Caboolture, Gympie, Maryborough and Harvey Bay. We not only care for private clients but are also registered providers for disabled clients covered by the NDIS, Medical Aid Subsidy (Qld Health), Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA), Private Health Insurances as well as referrals from Podiatrists and Hospitals e.g. the diabetic High-Risk Foot Clinic at Sunshine Coast University Hospital.

Do your feet need a little bit more support?
From Orthotics, to Medical Grade Footwear, Modifications and Repairs, we offer a customised treatment plan personally targeted to each individual. We are also the proud new owners of the top of the line technology, the Advanced Pressure Mapping System which is an evidence based system which takes the guess work out of the effectiveness of our products and can prove your feet are getting the best care they need!

Customised Footwear
Our favourite part of the job is getting into the workshop and being creative! Check out our blog to see some of the completely custom and customised footwear we've been working on.